
Survivor on track to becoming a registered nurse

Brinda is busy in her third year of nursing school but took the time to share part of her story with us.

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A dark journey: how child marriages can lead to human trafficking

After her 15th birthday, Mina entered a child marriage - the start of a long, tough road.

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Three shining lights in Cambodia

Three stories of hope and bright futures from survivors in Cambodia.

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Six-year-old girl rescued at the Nepal border

Her aunt and uncle were supposed to care for her, but their ugly side soon showed.

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Survivor presses against the grain to imprison trafficker

Most survivors in Nepal refuse to press charges against their trafficker, but why?

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Group of boys rescued from dangerous pimps

The rescue was one of three raid missions executed at the same time.

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The power of social media: why the sex trade is migrating from brothels to social media

Lockdowns have closed many sex establishments in Southeast Asia, leaving many former workers wondering where to find an income.

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Tara’s Story: 17-year-old is the first rescue at newly-opened border station

Tara is seventeen years old and lives with her parents and siblings in rural central Nepal. She attended school through the eighth grade until she had to drop out to help her parents at home.

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Fourteen-year-old girl safe because of agent’s creativity

Rescue agents normally go undercover, run surveillance or interview travellers at a border to rescue exploited children, but occasionally they must get creative or, in this case, musical.

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Something to be proud of: Nuon’s story

“What is something you are proud of recently?” asks our translator to a survivor in our care. The question is translated into her native language of Khmer. She blinks and then knits her brows. The translator rephrases the question, but she still appears confused. She and the translator talk for a minute before the translator turns to our social worker and says.

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