In many places where Destiny Rescue (an organisation whose rescue work in Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal and the Philippines Child Rescue helps fund) rescues children from sex trafficking, there is no nefarious trafficker or well-connected crime syndicate. Instead, the need to survive forces children to sell themselves just to make ends meet. The enemy is simply devastating poverty.
In situations like this, rescue must not only remove the child from an exploitative situation, but also address the vulnerabilities that got her there. Rescue without addressing the desperation that drove a child into the clutches of abusers isn’t really rescue at all. To that end, Destiny Rescue helps survivors and their caregivers become financially stable by helping them run their own small businesses.
We’ve already shared about the incredible difference their small business program is making in Kenya, so today, we’d like to show you a few lives being changed in Uganda!
By participating in Destiny Rescue’s small business program, Caroline’s mother was able to expand her small tailoring business and stabilise the family’s income. Before, the cost of materials limited how many dresses she could fashion and sell. Now her business’ sales are steadily increasing, so Caroline doesn’t have to worry about food anymore!

Caroline’s mother, a talented seamstress, displays the wide variety of fabrics now available for her customers
Eva’s mother also took advantage of the program. As a fruit seller, Eva’s mom already had an excellent business model for meeting the basic needs of their community. By relocating to a new site with better foot traffic, Eva’s mother increased her earnings and stock levels. And because her business is thriving, Eva has been able to return to school!

Eva’s mother’s vibrant fruit shop stands out along a busy street
Judith and her mother now work together to run her fruit and sweets business. Destiny Rescue’s help enabled them to purchase more dry goods and fast-selling snack items. Their earnings took off, and their business morphed into an eating establishment where customers could enjoy their food before carrying on with their day!
Now, this dear child spends her days selling sweets with her mother instead of enduring unimaginable abuse.

Judith’s mother surveys her shop’s stock before displaying her products for sale
Rosemary, once stripped of any control over her life while trapped in exploitation, is now a small business owner!
They aided her in the creation of a business that sells the most essential of necessities: clean drinking water. She strategically based her business near a local factory, and it’s paying off. Hard-working factory employees now come to her for fresh, safe water.
But Rosemary, a natural entrepreneur, took her business a step further. She’s added a personal touch by mixing her own pineapple juices, creating a tasty drink for parched workers. She’s even started offering five-litre jerry cans of water or juice at a discounted price to factory workers so they can stay hydrated at work!

Rosemary simmers a batch of fresh pineapple juice
Empowering futures
In 2 Kings 4, a widow asks Elisha, God’s prophet, to help protect her children from creditors who wanted to press them into slavery.
God could have done any number of things to help the poor woman, but instead, He chose to set her up with a small business. After getting the community involved by donating jars, God supplied the initial miraculous flow of oil to fill all those jars, and the woman sold them to save her kids.
Destiny Rescue is following that example. In expanding existing businesses and creating new ones, we’re helping survivors and their guardians navigate a way out of desperate poverty and into sustainable self-sufficiency.

Cooking activities at the Destiny Rescue residential home in Uganda
The rescue work we support through Destiny Rescue is offering opportunities for kids across the globe. Join the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation below.
Names have been changed to protect identities, and with that precaution in place, caregivers were proud to share photos of their businesses without visual identity protection.
Donate with Confidence
The Child Rescue Charitable Aid Trust is a registered New Zealand charity: CC 50751. An Annual return is filed each year with Charities Services which is a NZ Government organisation under the Department of Internal Affairs. Annual reports to Charities Services can be viewed here. View our Financial Integrity webpage here.
Child Rescue is the New Zealand branch of the Destiny Rescue family, a global network of organisations. Our collective focus is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and support their long-term freedom.