Freedom Plans™

Rescue is only the beginning

Individualised paths toward freedom

In addition to rescue operations, Destiny Rescue also runs reintegration programming throughout Africa and Asia. To aid in the healing process and equip them for a life free of exploitation, survivors who enter our care after rescue follow individualised Freedom Plans™.

A holistic approach

Freedom Plans address the greatest needs of every survivor:


We provide access to medical care for the sick and injured, and distribute monthly food parcels as needed.

Emotional & Spiritual

Children in our care have suffered unbelievable trauma at the hands of their abusers. Survivors enrolled in Freedom Plans receive EMPOWER trauma resilience training to help them begin to heal and move forward with their lives. During training, children are introduced to the saving message of the gospel as a part of the journey to emotional well-being.


Carefully tailored economic empowerment options for the child or their guardian help ensure survivors don’t have to return to exploitation to survive.

We provide vital services

girl smiles and reaches for pack of food

Each plan features individualised care and benefits that best fit each child’s unique situation.


Services include:

                • Care from a personal caseworker
                • Crucial medical treatment
                • EMPOWER trauma resilience training
                • Monthly food packs 
                • Sustainable economic solutions

Economic solutions equip children to stay free

Because poverty is often a primary driving factor in exploitation, rescuing children from traffickers isn’t always enough. Without a way to provide for daily necessities, children may be forced back into a life of exploitation and abuse.
To that end, Destiny Rescue’s Freedom Plans provide economic empowerment solutions that help children (or their families) achieve financial independence.

Vocational Training

Older children attend classes at local trade schools to learn skills to help them land stable jobs. Vocations can range from hairdressing to welding to tailoring and everything in between.

Small businesses

This solution enables guardians or older survivors to establish (or expand their) small businesses that will thrive in their local context, such as running a market stall or making soap from home. As their businesses grow, guardians not only provide for their children but also benefit their local economies.

On-the-Job Training

This solution sets up survivors in on-the-job training with local business owners. These business owners act as mentors to the survivors by not only supplying them with paying work but also teaching them soft skills such as long-term planning and money management.

The business owners we partner with are gentle and kind. Many are so pleased with their diligent new workers that they ask us to send other interested students their way!

I have never heard of a place that gives us free training, food and provision while we train. To me, this is like a dream, and I cannot believe I got a chance to be here. I am thankful for the trainers and the staff and everyone who helped me come this far. I understand that there are people I have never met who have also played a part in making this training successful. For giving me a new perspective in life, I would like to thank all of them.

Rescued at age 17, South Asia

Walking with survivors secures their freedom

Freedom Plans vary from situation to situation but can last up to two years, including follow-up. We aim to ensure a survivor achieves the emotional stability and financial independence she needs to maintain a life of freedom. Once the “active” phase is complete and a survivor has been equipped to cope with trauma and has achieved economic stability, the “follow-up phase” begins, where regular check-ins take place for up to 24 months post-rescue to ensure she is financially stable and living free.