Your church can set a child free

Rescued to Rescue

Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the hand of evil people.

Psalm 82:4

What is Rescue Day?

Rescue Day is an opportunity for your church to learn about child sex trafficking and exploitation. When you host one, your church will also learn how to partner with Child Rescue and help end this illegal trade in the world. We will provide you with a toolkit containing family-friendly media to engage your church.

Because of your Rescue Day:

Rescue and reintegration teams
will be mobilised
Children will be rescued and given hope
Your church’s faith will be deepened
The Gospel will be preached and families transformed

Because of your Rescue Day:

Rescue and reintegration teams
will be mobilised
Children will be rescued and given hope
Your church’s faith will be deepened
The Gospel will be preached and families transformed

How it works

Use our learning guide to understand the issue of child sex trafficking and Child Rescue’s holistic approach to rescuing and helping them stay free. Using our resources, you can customize your presentation to the unique style and creativity of your church.


your church on how it is called to respond to this issue. You can give a seven-minute message or dedicate your entire service.


your congregation with scripture, family-friendly stories of rescues, and videos that share the hope of freedom.


your church’s faith. Invite your congregation to become rescue partners who are connected to the work of Child Rescue.

We have created a toolkit just for you.

Right now, a vulnerable child is being sold and abused. Without someone to protect them, they have no way out of this nightmare. You can change that for them! Fill out the form below to download your Rescue Day Resource Toolkit and/or start a conversation with us about Rescue Day.

Ready to Rescue?

God sees me, God loves me, and God has good plans for my life.



You can make a difference!

Listen in to Jessica’s Story and learn how you can make a difference today.