16 Children are Free from Sexual Exploitation in Kenya

All the children have been enrolled in our programming to help equip them to advance into brighter futures free from exploitation.

While most of the survivors were forced to sell their bodies to survive, four of the kids were being trafficked by the adults who should’ve been caring for them. We are currently working to provide these children safe, caring homes where they can learn to be kids again. We work with community leaders to find and vet local families that will give these kids the love they need. To read about one girl who benefited from this program, click here:

Meant for Good: Lydia’s Story – Destiny Rescue

Rescue Update Archive

69 Rescued from Human Traffickers

69 people, including 31 children, were rescued before they were trafficked across the Nepal border.

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Traffickers use a variety of tactics, from romantic grooming to fake job postings, to lure their targets out of Nepal. Once out, the victims are sold into brothels or labor trafficking, cut off from help in a foreign land.

But these 69 survivors are safe! After being counseled on how criminals trick their targets, they all returned home to their families. One even pressed charges against her trafficker, despite the risk of incurring social stigma. That trafficker was arrested.

48 rescued from traffickers at the Nepal border

Eighteen kids and 30 adults were stopped before human traffickers could get them out of the country.

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Among the survivors were two girls, aged 13 and 17, traveling with a woman who’d instructed them to lie when they reached a checkpoint. When our agents interviewed the girls, they noticed that their stories didn’t match. The traffickers had promised the girls good jobs on the other side but likely planned something much worse. More here.

23 Kids Rescued in Kenya

23 kids, along with four young adults, have been rescued from sexual exploitation by our teams in Kenya.

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The incredible team of caseworkers and rescue agents rescued kids from a variety of exploitative exploitations, including trafficker-controlled exploitation, sex crimes and survival exploitation. All the survivors are now recovering in our Community Care Program.

5 Rescued from Sex Traffickers in Cambodia

4 kids and one 18-year-old are now free from exploitation

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The children, aged 14 to 17, and one young adult were rescued in two separate cases. The survivors have entered our community care program, where they will begin recovering from their experiences and become equipped to live free.

51 Rescued from Nepal Border Traffickers

Fifty-one people are home safe after our border agents stopped their traffickers.

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17 of the survivors were children, several as young as 14 years old. When our brave border agents see something suspicious about travelers, they stop them and conduct interviews until they get the truth, all with the support of the Nepal border guard. Thanks to their efforts, these people won’t have to face the horrors their traffickers had planned for them.

Join us in celebrating their freedom!