
Survivor becomes rescuer

Candace hid her abuse from her father and endured it for survival.

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Boyfriend turns out to be trafficker

After two years of building a relationship, could this really be her future?

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Monk expelled for exploiting children online

“It was a massive breach of ethical trust between a religious leader and vulnerable kids.”

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Sex Slaves and Child Soldiers Rescued from African Militia

A new Pilot Project rescues kids from a marauding militia.

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“It changes you for the rest of your life”

“This is not something you do to make money.”

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Jungle Escape

Ruth worked through the dead of night in a jungle full of dangerous animals.

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Human traffickers elude agents… for a while.

The girls had vanished, but not for long.

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Relentless in Rescue

Our founder recently shared a story that revealed the heart of rescue

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Radiant: Zoey’s Triumph

Zoey’s story shows just how much rescue makes possible.

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Innovative Job Training Gives Hope to Trafficking Survivors

Real rescue is more than escape.

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Lived Experience Helps Agent Break the Cycle of Exploitation

Survivor helps restore hope to others

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Learning to Dream Again

Rescue makes so much possible.

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Civilian Woman Rescues Children from Traffickers

Diya made a bold move: she confronted a trafficker.

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“Nobody Can Stop Me”: Trafficking Survivor Tackles Post-Rescue Hardships Head-On

“If I give up, I shut out my dream. But if I rise up… Nobody can stop me.”

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Mealea’s Choice

When a family emergency forced Mealea to choose between herself and her family, we offered a third option.

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The Girl Behind the Green Gate

Caleb sprinted behind the armed officers, desperate to get to the trafficker before he could escape.

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“I Want to Give Hope”: Interview with a Trafficking Survivor

Hamisi shares encouragement for “girls who feel like they don’t belong to the world.”

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Raid in South Asia Rescues Ten

Ten young women and girls in South Asia had moved from their modest homes to the city to find work. Instead, they found a horrific situation; they were quick to ask agents to help them escape.

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6 Quotes from Human Trafficking Survivors That Left a Mark on Agents

Agents reflect on some of the most impactful words spoken by children we’ve rescued.

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A 12-Year-Old’s Fateful Journey

Taral thought his life was about to change for the better when he met a man in the jungle.

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Top 4 Most Unforgettable Raids

Rescue work leaves a mark on agents—and there are some rescue operations they’ll never be able to forget.

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Ugandan Small Businesses are Enabling Freedom

To keep children free from exploitation, we’re creating sustainable economic solutions for survivors and their caregivers.

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Ten Dollars or Less: Geneva’s Journey

When Geneva’s father left them, taking the family’s only source of income with him, life as Geneva knew it quickly crumbled.

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An Agent Reflects on Rescuing a Toddler

An agent lures a perpetrator out of the shadows of the internet to rescue a child.

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Shona’s Success Story

After rescue from exploitation, Shona found a reason to get up in the morning.

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Changing Lives One Business at a Time

Small business training in Kenya doesn’t just help kids stay free; it’s helping to break the cycle of multi-generational poverty.

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Flawless Raid Takes Unexpected Twist

After a particularly efficient investigation, new intel came from an unexpected source: the pimp.

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Meant for Good: Lydia’s Story

Young Lydia bookended her heartbreaking story with something unexpected: gratitude.

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More Rescues than Ever Before

2022 was a year of record growth for Destiny Rescue, an organisation whose work in Thailand, Cambodia and the Philippines Child Rescue helps fund.

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Sisters Exit the Sex Trade, Turn Back to Save Others

After months of hard work, Sophea was finally free from exploitation. But that wasn’t enough: her little sister still faced abusers every night in the bar.

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“I’m here for you. You just don’t know it yet.” – The Heart of a Burn Agent

Volunteering to be a burn agent requires taking on the persona of a predator. It's challenging and uncomfortable work, but for agent Bortz, it's a small price to pay to bring exploited children to freedom.

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A Way Out

In the blink of an eye, Edith’s life changed. Without income for daily necessities, she was desperate to provide for her family. A classmate suggested an unthinkable solution to Edith, but she saw no way out.

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“She Didn’t Want to be There”: The Girl in Gold

The story of a daring raid through the eyes of a Rescue Agent

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Learning from a survivor: Fiona’s Freedom

Part 2 of Fiona's incredible journey from the despair of sexual exploitation in Uganda to a new life of hope

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Rescue in broad daylight

Dedicated agents and caseworkers are making a difference in Cambodia

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Operation “Dark corner”

Rescue agents in Thailand have been working closely with police coordinating raids to rescue children from the sex industry.

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Church musician hangs up his guitar to join team in Cambodia

When his friend told him about our mission, he had to act.

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New border station opens just in time to rescue teen girl

The 15-year-old was about to taste misery before we spotted her.

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Sikha’s Story: Dedicated student escapes the dangers of the sex industry

Her workplace was "hell" but she needed an income.

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Makara’s story: Survivor takes first steps towards her dream of owning a coffee shop

Before her 16th birthday, she fled the sex industry.

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Survivor presses against the grain to imprison trafficker

Most survivors in Nepal refuse to press charges against their trafficker, but why?

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Group of boys rescued from dangerous pimps

The rescue was one of three raid missions executed at the same time.

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Words from Hope and Rosie

Survivors in Uganda share about their journeys into a new life of freedom.

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The second story window

Five teens quietly gathered while their seven friends slept in bunk beds around them. It was around 1 am and the girls, aged between 14 and 18, had a plan.

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Behind the scenes of raid missions

Kicking down doors and wrestling pimps to the floor are a couple of movie-like moments people might imagine when thinking about a sex-trafficking raid mission. While our rescue agents have stormed houses with firearms, missions are careful and calculated and most lack this expected blockbuster-like action.

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Trafficking ring unmasked in quiet neighbourhood

Early this month, our agents and the country’s law enforcement rescued 20 females, including two minors, after discovering they were being held in a house and sold for sex to customers who made online bookings.

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The escape artist: Sonali’s rescue story

Child Rescue sometimes needs to get creative to rescue a child.

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Tara’s Story: 17-year-old is the first rescue at newly-opened border station

Tara is seventeen years old and lives with her parents and siblings in rural central Nepal. She attended school through the eighth grade until she had to drop out to help her parents at home.

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Fourteen-year-old girl safe because of agent’s creativity

Rescue agents normally go undercover, run surveillance or interview travellers at a border to rescue exploited children, but occasionally they must get creative or, in this case, musical.

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Traffickers try new tactics to exploit two girls

Agents are up against new challenges as traffickers pull out all the stops hoping to sneak girls across the border and into a life of exploitation.

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Something to be proud of: Nuon’s story

“What is something you are proud of recently?” asks our translator to a survivor in our care. The question is translated into her native language of Khmer. She blinks and then knits her brows. The translator rephrases the question, but she still appears confused. She and the translator talk for a minute before the translator turns to our social worker and says.

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Rescue agents in two countries team up on notorious trafficker

Each team of rescue agents in their respective countries normally fight human trafficking separately, until now.

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The girl who rescued herself: Malee’s story

Malee heard about Destiny Rescue from her close friend, next, she made a decision that would change the path of her life forever.

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On the run: Survivor helps three girls escape their traffickers

The girls thought they were journeying to find new jobs, but their dreams soon vaporized into thin air.

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Never give up: Agent finds missing child

Luma, a single mother of three children, approached police with news of her missing 17-year-old daughter. With the station busy and officers overwhelmed by their already -strenuous workload, her report was brushed aside.

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Nary’s new beginning

In January, government officials handed Destiny Rescue’s social workers a troubling case. Nary was living with her impoverished family while being exploited by a man who, as of last month, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for his crimes.

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Aspiring missionary defeats her dark past: Dao’s story

Five years after her rescue, Dao shares about her journey out of the clutches of the sex industry, through healing and into freedom.

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Mother and daughter rescued at the border

With the promise of love and marriage dancing in her mind, Nepal woman Kaya was embarking on a journey to a new country with her supposed fiance.

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Soneeya’s Story

Twenty-one-year-old Soneeya* set out with her father to visit a neighboring city. She had no idea she was about to encounter the man who would turn out to be her trafficker.

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Flourishing in Freedom

Reena, Eisha and Nadiya were rescued at the Nepal border earlier this year. Since then, we have been following up with them and their families to see how they are doing.

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Toddler Rescued – Our First Cyber Case

In February, our teams, in coordination with multiple law-enforcement agencies, executed an operation that rescued a 2-and-a-half-year-old boy from a life of continued sexual exploitation.

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Moments From Vanishing

Four girls were rescued together at a border crossing. None of them had any idea that the bus they were on was about to cross the border into a different country.

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Girl Interrupted – Border Rescues Pt. 2

Our Border Rescue agents are strategically positioned to intervene along the path of exploitation. Partnering with Border Patrol Police at key crossing locations, these agents are trained to identify potential victims of harm and trafficking.

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Together for ‘The One’

Recently, one of our operatives noticed suspicious activity while he was traveling. Some young men were taking staged photos of a teen girl and then left the area with her.

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Rescue Update: Sreva’s Story

As our agents were conducting their routine interviews at a key border crossing location they came across 18-year-old Sreva* traveling with a 21-year-old man.

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Achariya: Seamstress and Mother

Achariya is one of many girls who has come through Destiny Rescue’s program and has since gone on to flourish at this workplace. Read her story to freedom.

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Laekena: Salon Owner

It is 8:00 am on a Tuesday morning. She pulls back the large cream bi-folding doors that give her salon its indoor-outdoor flow.

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Rachanna: Graphic Designer

Rachana came to Destiny Rescue around nine months ago. When she first arrived, Rachana tried to figure out what she was good at and more importantly, what she was passionate about.

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Side by Side: A Best Friend Rescue Story

Valerie* and Christina* were both young single mothers caught up in a life neither truly wanted. Coming from poor families with limited education, they had limited employment options.

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Daring to Dream: A Rescue Story

Poverty is a dream killer and an all too familiar part of the story for many girls that come through Destiny Rescue, including Noo*.

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Letter from Lawan

This is one of many success stories we have involving children we rescue. When a sponsored rescued child is reintegrated, they leave our program to begin a new life.

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Enslaved to Entrepreneur

Pensri was 18 years old when Destiny Rescue rescued her from a bar. She had followed her friend who had gone to work, not realizing what kind of work she was about to begin.

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